Bits-Expl0it3d's Blog


Welcome to my blog, I write blogs whenever I'm bored. I write blogs on Linux, programming languages like C/C++, Golang, Rust, Java and Python, Cybersecurity, Networks, DevOps, Hardware, Low Level programming and Linux tools and software to improve workflow. :)

My Developer Workflow: OS, DE/WM, Editor and Tools

In this blog, I will be discussing about the software and tools I use to develop projects.

Vim vs Neovim, What are the differences?

In this blog, I will be discussing the differences between Vim and Neovim. And which is better to use...

What is Linux and why is it a better option for a daily driver?

In this blog, I will be discussing what Linux is and why it is a better choice for a daily driver experience.

What is Golang and how to get started?

In this blog, I will be discussing about Golang and covering the basics of The Go Programming Language.

Configuring Tmux

This blog is about configuring tmux from scratch, from setting custom keybinds to plugins manager

DWM, A bloat-free Window Manager made in C

This blog is about DWM, a window manager made in C to reduce bloat as much as possible


If you'd like to collaborate or have any questions, feel free to reach out to me via email at